genetics Posts

Hypothyroidism genetic link

There is a butterfly-shaped gland, which is situated on the front side of our neck. It is a very important gland in our system as it is responsible for regulating various metabolic processes in our body. The thyroid gland is wrapped around the windpipe, just below our Adam’s apple. The gland uses iodine so it can produce vital hormones.

The primary hormone produced by the gland is Thyroxin, which is also known as T4. The body’s tissue is responsible for delivering it into the bloodstream, then a portion of T4 is converted into T3. T3 is one of the most active hormones out there. The thyroid gland is controlled by the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. Disorders or diseases of the tissues could affect the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and could also cause disorders.

The different types of thyroid are hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, goiter, and also thyroid nodules. Thyroid problems are fairly common. In America, over 20 million people suffer from some sort of a thyroid problem.


In simple terms, hypothyroid occurs as and when your body is not able to make enough thyroid hormones to meet the requirement. Hypo means “less than normal.” The thyroid gland is responsible for providing each organ with the energy it needs to function. Your digestive system and the functioning of your heart also come under Thyroid’s control. The functions of your body will slowly decrease and slow down if your thyroid is not able to meet the demands.

Hypothyroidism is pretty common in people above the age of 60. But, it has also been diagnosed in women over 40, and even young children. Women are more likely to become a hypothyroid patient than men are.


The symptoms of hypothyroid vary from person to person. Some of the early symptoms include the feeling of fatigue and visible weight gain. Since both of these symptoms may also be present in a healthy person who doesn’t suffer from any disease, they are often overlooked. Over the course of a few years, more symptoms start to prevail, like depression, cold feeling, impaired memory, puffy, and sensitive face.

The symptoms and their intensity vary according to the lack of thyroxin in your system. If you feel that you may be suffering from hypothyroidism, then get your blood test done as soon as possible. A simple blood test will give you the answer and then you can go to your doctor.

Genetic link

The thyroid gland is responsible for taking care of the tissue growth and development, bone health, and even cardiovascular function. It is also responsible for maintaining normal cognition, energy balance, and the metabolism of the body.

Hypothyroid is hereditary. If someone in your family has hypothyroidism, then your chances of getting it in the futures increase. But, it does not mean that your thyroid problem will be the same as your family member. It may be different as there is more than one type of thyroid related problems.

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is the lack of iodine in the body. But, the iodine deficiency is not a problem in countries like the United States of America. This goes to show that genes also play an important role in inheriting certain diseases and problems.

Genetic Defect

In a few rare cases, the genes that are responsible for the regulation of the thyroid hormone are damaged. Its effect is directly linked to the production of thyroxin, which later on causes diseases such as hypothyroidism. These genetic defects are found in the early stages of infancy or even at the time of the baby’s birth.

Studies on Hypothyroidism and genetic relation

In the year 2016, the number one drug that was prescribed in the United States of America was Synthroid. It is a synthetic thyroid hormone. Over 123 million people are on this medication. This is why people began taking more of an interest in what thyroid is and how it functions.

A study showed that the main thyroid function sets are derived genetically. But, the source genes have not been discovered until now. Another study showed that although genes played a significant role, it did not necessarily mean that if someone in your family had thyroid problems, then so would you. Another study found that the person’s lifestyle was a bigger factor in all of this and played a major role.


If someone in your family had thyroid problems, then it is true that you have more chances of getting it but you could take several precautions. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, like eating right, exercising, and not taking a lot of unnecessary stress upon yourself is some of the things that will help you to avoid developing any thyroid issues in the future. Having a healthy lifestyle would also help you to avoid other disorders like diabetes and hypertension. It is also great for increasing the quality of your life and will help you to be happier.